SehenswürdigkeitenFreizeit & Erlebnis

Community park "Fürstenlager"

Former summer residence of the Hesse landgraves and later grand dukes of Hesse and the Rhine. All buildings, which were indispensable for a princely summer residence, such as the manor house, the “Prinzenbau” (princes- building) and “Damenbau” (Ladies-building), the confectioner building, the household linen building, guards and sheds, have been preserved unaltered for nearly 200 years. In the delightful landscaped park you will find trees from all parts of the world and on the “Herrenwiese” the oldest sequoia tree in Europe. Tel.: 06251-93460

The Walderdorffer Hof, today a quaint wine tavern: The building of the former “Adelshof” was completed in 1470.

Town tours, guided tours and further information can be obtained at:

Tourist Information, Tel.: 06251-5826314


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You can find the attraction here

64625 Bensheim

Distance to the hotel: 9.0 km